Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Skeletons in Your Hall Closet?

With winter approaching, it's time to pull your coats out of the bags and keep them accessible in the hall closet. If your yearlong collection of junk is tumbling on top of you when you open the door, it's high time to revamp your storage space.

Before you even think about organizing your closet, you need to purge through that heap of mess you've been hording. How many mismatched gloves do you need, and do you really think that old dress is going to come back in style? Toss it, honey, because it's only taking up precious space. And if you can't find an umbrella on a rainy day, it's probably because it's hidden under the crap you threw in when the in-laws came over.

Now that you've emptied out half your closet, let's talk about what goes back in. If you're like some people, your hall closet has become a storage system for a myriad of items, even your cleaning supplies. Brooms and vacuums should be kept in the utility area, so your closet can be dedicated to seasonal items, unless you want to make it a utility closet (read further).

The best way to keep things from getting disorganized in your tiny space is to find the right storage units. Plastic containers not only protect your items from a flood, but they keep them contained
in their own space. Labeling the outside of the containers also helps when you're trying to find your winter boots from last year. And also, keep like items together: shoes with shoes, blankets with blankets, and all clothing items hanging neatly on the rod, all facing the same direction.

Some other ideas for hall closets are creating a hobby center. If you're a tennis player or discus thrower, you might want to create racks and hanging rods for your toys. Or add more shelves and create a utility closet for your cleaning supplies.

Maybe your tiny little hall closet doesn't do justice for you. If you're thinking about expanding your space, contact your local interior designer and see if you can knock down some walls and change the space. Another thing to think about is lighting. If you're having a hard time seeing everything in that dark space, maybe it's time to get some extra lights installed, or attach tough light to the door frame. There's no reason to have to get a flashlight every time you need something from your closet.

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